What is Amateur Escapist?

I have called it a zine but it could be called a group art show. Amateur Escapist is a collection of artwork created in response to a quarterly theme by a varied group of artists (you).

How do I get involved?

What is the next theme?

Submissions are suspended for now while I think about the future of AE.

What sort of art?

That’s pretty open. The art can be created traditionally or digitally. It can be motion, still, audio, or interactive. The art will be hosted on this website so it needs to be digital in that sense. The hope is that your artwork is created specifically for the current theme.

Why is there a theme?

The quarterly theme is a way to point everyone involved towards a somewhat shared destination. The theme will always be very open to individual interpretation.

Are there any rules?

There are simple rules related to being a good human that also apply to participating here:

  • The work you submit must be yours. Collaborations are good as long as everyone involved is credited properly.
  • Your artwork must not attempt to abuse, harass, threaten, or discriminate against anyone.
  • The privacy of other participants must be respected.
  • No spamming or soliciting other participants or site visitors.

Is there money involved?

This website is a non-commercial art project. There is neither a fee or a payment for involvement. Everyone involved will retain ownership of their work.

How is the artwork displayed?

All artwork will be hosted on amateurescapist.com. Each submission will have it’s own directory within the respective issue directory.

There will be some limited constraints to how work is displayed to account for site navigation and basic browser rendering. Artwork requiring scripting may have some limits based on the hosting capabilities.

How long are issues online?

The artwork associated with each theme will be archived and remain accessible on the site.

Who makes this?

Amateur Escapist is edited by me, Davin Risk. I design for a living, went to school for fine art, and I am interested in a lot of things. I live in Toronto, Canada with my partner Gayla Trail and our dog Molly.

Is there a colophon?

Sure why not. This site is typed as static HTML and CSS since I wanted to keep things simple. The type is Ideal Sans ScreenSmart from Hoefler & Co.